Monday, October 5, 2009

Why Customers Are Opting For Electric Showers?

Consumers today can enjoy all there is to be offered by the range of electric showers that come with the variety functions and specifications. Primarily, they all serve a common function of sourcing water from the main source or supply system in the house and turns this water which always obviously very cold into either hot or warm water in order for the user to derive the greatest form of utility.

With a high level of similarity with those stated above and also unlike the electric shower, Mira Power Shower has the added advantage probably as can be inferred from the name used to provide hot water in a more "powerful" way. It does this by increasing the intensity of the water spray. The developing engineers have equipped it to perform this function by in-building an automated pump that enhances the water rate. This category of showers can boast of a large variety which includes among others: Mira Event XS; Mira Event XS thermostat; Mira Extreme; Mira Vigour. The underlining factor behind these varieties is that though in the absolute sense they all perform very similar functions they differ in the delivery mode because of the extra and different specifications assigned to every brand.

Take for instance, the Mira Event XS brand, it shares strikingly similar features with the other brands, however the presence of the thermostat to ensure temperature regulation distinguishes it from all the other brands.

Let it be stressed that the choice of any brand is largely contingent with preference, purpose and most importantly economic accessibility.

If you want to know more about Electric Showers then it is a good idea to visit Bella Btahrooms.

Building Codes - Stairway Construction

The stair building code was created for building safety. Before the building code and local city enforcement (Building Inspectors), anyone could build a house. This meant Uncle Earl who had just watched a couple of his friends build a house down the street construct some sort of a dwelling. The next step for Earl would be to help these guys for a day and now he is a professional home builder. You get the point.

Stair Building Codes create the safety needed for one of the most hazardous areas of your home. You might know someone who has fallen down a stairway?

I lived in a house I built for 15 years and I redesigned the stairs from a winder design to a T shaped set of stairs. Both sets of stairs were built using the local stair building code for my city.

Wow I could not believe how many times my family members fell down the stairs. I even fell down once. I was amazed. When I switched from the winder to the T shaped stairway there were less accidents. My point is that even using the stair building codes this is a dangerous part of your house.

Having a professional stair builder install your stairs is great advice. Take it. For example this happened to me on quite a few jobs. I get a set of plans from a architect who has been designing houses for over 40 years. I looked at the stairway to find out that he has designed a stairway that is too small for the length of this part of the home. If I build the stairs using the plans that by the way were approved from the local building department, I could have a problem.

You are probably asking yourself how does this happen. Aren't these people experienced professionals. Of course they are. They probably have the U.B.C. (Uniform Building Code) in their office somewhere. Everyone makes mistakes here and there but this is one area of the home where safety is a big concern.

Just look at it like this. The stair building code was designed to improve the safety and reduce the number of accidents while using the stairs. Over the years I have seen stairs poorly designed and constructed. These stairs create problems for the owners of the buildings not just the people that use them. Did I mention lawsuits. This is one area where a lawyer will have a field day.

As a building professional I advise you to use the stair building code first for safety and second to avoid lawsuits. Get an idea from some of the pictures I have taken over the years on problems with stair building.

Use common sense while building or remodeling your home. It goes a long way.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry. Stair Building Articles

Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's Easier to Get Ready in the Morning With a Three Way Mirrored Medicine Cabinet

When I grew up I had a tiny bathroom, but I didn't care because it was entirely my own. You could barely turn around it was so small. But it had the features I needed including a medicine cabinet with a three way mirror for doing my hair.

Honestly, I don't know how anyone could get ready in the morning with just a single paned mirror. I rely on those three mirrors to angle around and see the back of my head. I now combine it with the full length mirror in the larger bathroom I now have to bounce my reflection off so many surfaces I can see everything easily. Even things I don't want to see so often.

Behind that mirror is the usual medicine cabinet. Mine is stuffed full of beauty supplies and other miscellaneous items that otherwise wouldn't have a home. I'm sure there's several things in there that need to be thrown out. Old perfumes, 3 bottles of mousse, earrings I never wear, maybe I'll go clean that out tonight.

Medicine cabinets are really important. I don't keep much medicine in them, those have to be locked away from the children. So hair products take their place. My cabinet is the of the usual variety, but I really like those recessed ones that look like just a plain mirror and then surprise people when it turns out to have storage space. Even funnier is when people assume the plain mirror is a medicine cabinet and end up ripping it off the wall when they try to open it.

If you want more information on the various styles of recessed medicine cabinet or get a mirror medicine cabinet please visit our website.

What Does a GFI Do? - Electrical Problems

In your bathroom you should have a GFI electrical outlet. Most new homes or newly remodeled homes require you to have GFI electrical outlets in the kitchen. Most older kitchens do not have GFI electrical outlets. GFI stands for ground fault circuit interrupter.

Why not call it a GFCI instead of a GFI electrical outlet? Well it is called a GFCI in some instances. GFI is short and is the most common name used by most electricians and builders for this type of outlet.

GFI 's come in 15 amp and 20 amperage outlets. GFI outlets must be wired properly. Make sure you're using the proper wire size when hooking up the GFI outlet.

How do I know which size wire to use? This all depends on how far away you are running it from the electrical panel. There are charts you can use to figure this out. If you are not running the electrical wire more than 80 feet from the electrical panel you can use 12 gauge electrical wires for a 20 amp GFI. This is a general rule of thumb for most electrical house wiring.

If you're going to be using a 15 amp GFI and you are going to be less than 80 feet away from the electrical panel you can use 14 gauge electrical wires. Again this is just a general rule of thumb for most electrical house wiring.

A GFI is a light duty electrical plug used in bathrooms, kitchens and the exterior of your house. The sole purpose of the GFI is to shut the breaker off faster if there is any moisture or light load problems.

Let's say for instance you have your hair dryer plugged into the GFI outlet. The hair dryer somehow falls into the sink while it is on or plugged in. The GFI outlet will instantly shut off because of the sensitivity of the breaker inside of the plug it self.

The GFI plug has a test button and a reset button on it. If you are continually resetting the GFI you will wear it out eventually. I have had GFI plugs after resetting the button about 10 times break and no longer able to use them.

The GFI electrical plug is a great idea and if you don't have them in your bathroom or outside of your home it would be a great idea to have an electrician install them for you.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Home Building Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

San Diego Termite Damage

Are Bathroom in Basement Remodels For You?

Are you thinking about expanding your home, but out of space on your main floors? If that's the case, it might be time to do something about your unfinished basement area. A small office, a guest room, a personal gym, or even an entertainment room might do the trick, but if you want to spend time down there, there's something else you'll need. A basement bathroom will keep you from having to run up and down stairs all the time, and it'll also add value to your home. End lines at the bathroom door by performing a bathroom in basement remodel.

There are a few things to keep in mind before you get that renovation started, however. You'll need a project plan with your intended schedule, budget, cost estimates, and work you want done. Keep this updated throughout the process of building your basement bathroom in order to get the best and most predictable results. Start by looking for ideas on your basement bathroom remodel. Home improvement stores, online articles and sites, and magazines are all a good place to start when you decide what you want your finished basement to look like. Think about color, lighting, space set up, and more. The better your plan is, the more likely you are to end up with a bathroom you love.

You'll also need to think about ceiling height, available space, moisture in the basement, basement temperature, and stability of the basement itself. Windows and lighting will be important if you don't want your bathroom in basement remodel to end up like a cave. You'll also have to consider ventilation to keep air moving in the house. An enclosed bathroom with no air movement could end up seeming musty and unpleasant. Remember to decide early on if you want a full or a half bath.

If you're thinking about doing the work yourself, you'll need to know a few things. Most people need basic carpentry and wiring skills to put up walls and get light fixtures working. You'll also have to have a good amount of plumbing experience if you plan on installing the toilet, sink, and tub or shower on your own. However, you don't have to do everything on your own. Calling a professional in for part or all of the work on your bathroom in basement remodel is a smart idea if you're not one yourself.

It may be a good idea to call a professional plumber for the piping, if you don't have the experience and knowledge to do it yourself. In some cases, you may also need to have a pro oversee or sign off on work that you've done yourself. That way, you'll be legal and up to local code. If you know how to frame, wire, and hang drywall (choose moisture resistant board for basements), but aren't sure about plumbing, calling a pro might be the best method you can use. It'll certainly save you some frustration and effort in the long run. Your bathroom in basement remodel can be a real success. All you have to do is have a good plan.

Thomas Johnsen is the Author and Leading Expert on Bathrooms in Basements and the creator of the publication Bathroom in Basement 101. Visit the site now to find the easy-to-understand step-by-step guides on basement bathroom construction available online today.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Window Safety Checklist - Homeowners Must Read

Broken glass is definitely a health hazard, for anyone who is near it, when the glass is actually broken. After the glass is broken and is laying on the ground in pieces, people can still get hurt. Here's a basic window safety checklist for homeowners that everyone must read. It will provide you with some simple tips that could prevent a loved one from getting seriously injured in the future.

1. Contact your local building department or fire department, to get the basic requirements for using your window as a fire escape. Your windows can be used to jump out of, if there is a fire inside your home.

2. Make sure that young children avoid playing around windows. You should always teach your children, never to throw large objects or balls in the house.

3. You might think about installing a window ladder, if you live in a two-story home, which could be made of rope or chain. These latter's can be thrown out of the window, while latching onto the window sill, in case there's a fire. It would provide you with an alternative from jumping out of the window. Don't under estimate these fire ladders, they can be extremely difficult to climb down.

4. If you leave large sliding glass doors open on a regular basis and clean them spontaneously, others might not realize they're closed, because they're so clean. Simply put a piece of tape on the window to prevent other people from thinking there open. You would be surprised how many accidents happen, from clean windows.

5. Last but not least, one of the most important problems with windows. Think security, if you leave your windows open and leave the house, someone now as easy access. There are plenty of ways to make your windows secure, using locks that clamp on to the side of the window. This will allow you to leave the windows open about 4 inches, leaving you the desired ventilation and preventing burglars from entering your domain.

If a window is cracked, or broken it should be replaced as soon as possible. Try to avoid fixing broken glass your self if you don't have any experience. Plenty of people get hurt every year, simply underestimating how sharp broken glass can actually be.

Home Window Ideas

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Looking for some new Home Improvement Ideas

Learn How to Tile a Shower

It's time to add value and quality to your home! Improvements in the bathroom can make or break a sale, don't miss out. Always check in the local designer magazines for ideas on the latest fashion. Might well be worth asking the local estate agents about the value of bathrooms and what designs are hot at the moment. Always stick you your budget, never buy way to many resources you won't ever use.

Follow each step carefully.

Step 1 Gut the shower.

Remove all unnecessary items from the shower.

Step 2 Install a vapor barrier.

This will prevent mold and mildew.

Step 3 Put up the cement board backer.

Remember to leave 1/8 inch between panels, you will seal this with silicone caulk.

Step 4 Measure.

Always use a leveling tool and sharpie when marking up.

Step 5 Dampen the cement board

Use a soft sponge.

Step 6 Trowel on the thin-set

Install a tile, remember to twist slightly when placing it onto the thin-set.

Step 7 Repeat the procedure

Repeat for each row, starting from the bottom.

Step 8 Leave to set

Leave for up to 48 hours.

Step 9 Grout the tiles

After 30 minutes wipe off the excess grout.

Step 10 Leave to set

Finally, leave to set for another 48 hours.

Plenty of money can be saved by finishing home improvements yourself, instead of calling the professionals in. Costly mistakes can be prevented by taking evening classes or purchasing books or digital video guides, recommended if your a beginner. The amount of cash used on tile replacement could definitely be better spent.

Get your detailed video guides and free downloads